Palace Veradis in Bangkok

Palace Veradis in Bangkok

Some of the information from Veradis Palace

Located in Bangkok, Thailand , which is the former residence of the Prince Damrung son of King Rama IV and the palace was built in 1911 by architect Carl Doaang , and in 1996 the building was renovated on the occasion of the 53 anniversary of the death of Prince Damrung and converted into a museum and library
Palace Veradis in Bangkok
Palace Veradis in Bangkok
Palace Veradis in Bangkok
Palace Veradis in Bangkok
The palace is a two-storey building surrounded by a small garden beautiful picturesque scene consists of the inside of the palace several rooms and each room decorated in it's own depending on exposure Vdakurat the rooms on the first floor dominated by the Chinese style and is all brushes a Chinese furniture

As for the second floor Vgervha exposure uniforms ancient swords and pistols so overwhelmed by the nature of the wars with a library of 7,000 books in English and Thai and includes biographies of Queen Victoria and Commander Napoleon in addition to the books of National Geographic and other talk about empires and civilizations and political revolutions and these books are priceless a treasure national itself

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I'm Mohamed Fathi ( Legend Egypt ) , 29 years old , i loving Egypt and like Tourism.

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