Abu Simbel temple is the largest temple carved into the rock in the
world, and is a verse in the ancient architecture, engineering. The rock carving in a piece on the West Bank of the Nile in the very position in beauty. It
is hard to imagine why there are such huge buildings in a remote area
in the country: either be a hill of Abu Simbel his sanctity, or that
Pharaoh wanted to impress his neighbors in the vicinity of Jandal second
Verém the the strength and richness.
There is evidence that the origin of the idea in the construction of the temple at Abu Simbel was Seti I do not doubt that a large part of the interior had been carving before topping Ramses II throne, but to what extent the City responsible for the latter form, especially the front this is what we do not know. As usual due Ramses is no virtue of his predecessors. Were prisoners of war built the temple and finished their work before the year 1259 BC. This is dedicated to the worship of "Ra free Gies" Like many temples in Nubia. That God had merged with the sun and usually depicted on the human body and the head Saqr wearing a sun disk, and the purpose and place of the temple is the worship of the sun.
The most important features of the temple interface within four huge statues of the king carved in the rock of the hill. These statues seated E, two on every aspect of the entrance rises more than 65 feet and represent King Ramses wearing the double crown of Egypt, and every statue and between the legs, we find statues of Queen Nefertari "beautiful beautiful" and some of the children royalists Although they appeared sized but their shape seems small for statues luxury. Each of the four groups, stands on a high base inscribed with a cartouche Ramses and a group of prisoners Asians and blacks. The thrones that shaped box that sits upon the statues were carved groups of traditional representing the Union Terrans and the interface that is the rear view of the statues of the four were carved in the form stated a Cornish inscription upon row of monkeys raised arms to the top in the form of a statue of the sun god "Ra Hur what Gies "has a falcon head who devoted his temple.
There is evidence that the origin of the idea in the construction of the temple at Abu Simbel was Seti I do not doubt that a large part of the interior had been carving before topping Ramses II throne, but to what extent the City responsible for the latter form, especially the front this is what we do not know. As usual due Ramses is no virtue of his predecessors. Were prisoners of war built the temple and finished their work before the year 1259 BC. This is dedicated to the worship of "Ra free Gies" Like many temples in Nubia. That God had merged with the sun and usually depicted on the human body and the head Saqr wearing a sun disk, and the purpose and place of the temple is the worship of the sun.
The most important features of the temple interface within four huge statues of the king carved in the rock of the hill. These statues seated E, two on every aspect of the entrance rises more than 65 feet and represent King Ramses wearing the double crown of Egypt, and every statue and between the legs, we find statues of Queen Nefertari "beautiful beautiful" and some of the children royalists Although they appeared sized but their shape seems small for statues luxury. Each of the four groups, stands on a high base inscribed with a cartouche Ramses and a group of prisoners Asians and blacks. The thrones that shaped box that sits upon the statues were carved groups of traditional representing the Union Terrans and the interface that is the rear view of the statues of the four were carved in the form stated a Cornish inscription upon row of monkeys raised arms to the top in the form of a statue of the sun god "Ra Hur what Gies "has a falcon head who devoted his temple.
connects the entrance to the large lobby by two rows of four square
pillars lean upon statues huge king standing, wearing the double crown
and carrying a stick and flail and I've covered with columns and walls
of the lobby which height of up to 30 feet views and religious texts and
the work of the King of war in their struggle against the Hittites in
Syria and the Ethiopians in Sudan The wicked ceiling views of a conventional cartridge and punishment with wing Almmdodin.
We find in the walls northern and western entrances lead to a group of cabins were often used as warehouses for the priests Vmnazer walls are all religious. Front of the door East in the western wall Faousel to the lobby of a small bear his bishop four square pillars Faousel to the lobby of a small bear his bishop four square pillars and landscapes are all in this lobby of a religious nature. And up then to a small room to reach the Holy of Holies, which contains three doors in the western wall two on both sides of the house Touselan into cabins is carved and the Central and based on the axis of the temple rectal very fact to the Holy of Holies, and in the west wall of the Holy of Holies, we find four statues sitting carved into the rock, which statues of Poplar sister, Ptah and Ramses II himself with the god Amun-Ra the sun god, and in the middle of the room, we find them offering table is carved and was sacrificial victims and provide them when he was the bright sunlight enters after dawn.
One of the main features that distinguish this temple from other temples of the ancient Egyptians enter the sunlight early in the morning to the Holy of Holies and access to the four statues, Vtdi this place deep in the rock and away from the entrance of about sixty meters. In 1874, the Dora the Explorer Miss Amelia Eduarz and the team accompanying her in the monitoring of this phenomenon and recorded in her book, published in 1899 (thousand miles on the Nile) as follows: become statues of the Holy of Holies high-impact and surrounded by a halo beautiful prestige and dignity at sunrise and the fall of its rays on them, Any scenes if you do not watch the sun this fall entertains doubt as to the strong impact of the calculated accurately by astronomy and the account when the ancient Egyptians where as accurately and directed towards a certain angle so that these rays fall on the faces of the four statues.
We find in the walls northern and western entrances lead to a group of cabins were often used as warehouses for the priests Vmnazer walls are all religious. Front of the door East in the western wall Faousel to the lobby of a small bear his bishop four square pillars Faousel to the lobby of a small bear his bishop four square pillars and landscapes are all in this lobby of a religious nature. And up then to a small room to reach the Holy of Holies, which contains three doors in the western wall two on both sides of the house Touselan into cabins is carved and the Central and based on the axis of the temple rectal very fact to the Holy of Holies, and in the west wall of the Holy of Holies, we find four statues sitting carved into the rock, which statues of Poplar sister, Ptah and Ramses II himself with the god Amun-Ra the sun god, and in the middle of the room, we find them offering table is carved and was sacrificial victims and provide them when he was the bright sunlight enters after dawn.
One of the main features that distinguish this temple from other temples of the ancient Egyptians enter the sunlight early in the morning to the Holy of Holies and access to the four statues, Vtdi this place deep in the rock and away from the entrance of about sixty meters. In 1874, the Dora the Explorer Miss Amelia Eduarz and the team accompanying her in the monitoring of this phenomenon and recorded in her book, published in 1899 (thousand miles on the Nile) as follows: become statues of the Holy of Holies high-impact and surrounded by a halo beautiful prestige and dignity at sunrise and the fall of its rays on them, Any scenes if you do not watch the sun this fall entertains doubt as to the strong impact of the calculated accurately by astronomy and the account when the ancient Egyptians where as accurately and directed towards a certain angle so that these rays fall on the faces of the four statues.
In the sixth hour and twenty five minutes on 21 Fberar, or five o'clock and five and fifty minutes on October 21, exactly a year sneaking Sunbeam in the smoothness of paper like a revelation falls over the face of King Ramses and يعانقه and kiss him, a flood of light fills the facial features the face of the pharaoh in his room in the Holy of Holies in the heart of the temple majestic, a sense of awe and fear, jerk mild shaking heart, as if the beam has grabbed your هزك of أعماقك strongly magical immersive, any charm any ambiguity shake your being and you live for the moments of a miracle, and then multiplies Sunbeam quickly forming a beam of light lights up the faces of the four statues inside the Holy of Holies. Is it not strange really not change accounts soothsayers, engineers, artists and Egyptian astronomy through a journey of time length of more than three thousand and three hundred years.
It is known that as a result of the movement of the actual rotation of the Earth in an orbit semi-circular around the sun, it is followed by the movement of virtual to the rotation of the sun on the so-called circle zodiac heavenly a circle tended by 23.5 degrees on what he calls the astronomers circle the equator heavenly, so the sun's movement day to the place that shines from him on the horizon, it rises from the direction of the east real on 21 March and 23 September of each year and are the beginning of spring and autumn.
In the spring and summer, it rises from the east with a deviation of a few degrees to the north, where the value of this deviation maximum on June 21 in the amount of 23.5 degrees from the north, while in autumn and winter, it rises from the east with a deviation of a few degrees to the south where the value of the maximum deviation on December 21, in the amount of 23.5 degrees to the south .. Therefore, if there was a long corridor on the horizon and closed to the west, the sun will تتعامد on the wall closed twice a year if the focus of this corridor toward the east or skewed with him hand the north or the south at an angle of 23.5 degrees maximum.
So The entry sunlight to the temple of Abu Simbel twice a year and Taamayora on four statues in the Holy of Holies This is normal because the degree of deviation from the real Middle is ten and a half degrees to the south. But remain Miracle .. If, on the sun passes selected specific and deliberately before the sculpture .. Because it requires full knowledge of astronomy assets .. And many calculations to determine the deviation angle to the axis of the Middle Temple .. Next miracle in architecture to be a straight axis for a distance of more than sixty meters in particular that the temple carved into the rock?!! . Said that on February 21, and October 21, two birthday Ramses II sitting on the throne .. With it there is no historical reference confirms or even refers to this statement.
This confirms we wondered .. What some of the references reported that there is evidence that the origin of the idea in the construction of the temple at Abu Simbel was the first for the City, and a large part of the home he had before topping the carving of Ramses II to the throne. I believe that these two days the start of the planting season when the ancient Egyptians (21 October) after the flood waters receded and that was sinking all arable land and the beginning of the harvest season (21 February) for some crops that can eat a green Kalpsal and green beans. They undoubtedly are important days in the life of ancient Egyptian rights when the earth was grown once a year on a irrigation Balehiad the system. This was confirmed believe what he wrote, "I Ki_n" at the beginning of the fourth quarter of his book (Ramses II Pharaoh glory and victory) that he is almost the Sun on 27 of the month of summer III (early June 1279 BC) even announced the coronation of King Ramses II after his father's death King City. Now we turn to the report geologist from the temple and prepared by the Office consultant French at the request of UNESCO and the Egyptian government and published in Paris in October 1960, the report says in Chapter III of Part XII reads: There is a strong likelihood that the axis of the great temple Abu Simbel has not been chosen deliberately by architects and engineers of the ancient Egyptians, but it imposed on them as a result of geological combinations inside the rock, and the report states that this is not the only case, but that the focus of the Temple of HATOR goddess of love and beauty when the ancient Egyptians imposed on the ancient architects also for geological reasons of Barouk rock.
It was the sun is Idol first when the ancient Egyptians and the disk of the sun "Ra" is the largest of their gods, has set up his temples and Qrnoa named names and made the city of Ain Shams center for worship, and the purpose of carving temple of Abu Simbel in a rocky mountain in a place atonic sacred to them, is the worship of the sun at sunrise. Therefore, since the era before the construction of the pyramids ancient Egyptians care to follow the movement of the sun and interstellar closely monitored regularly.
Notable evidence the accuracy Arsadehm and others already in the monitoring and study of the movements of celestial bodies in-depth study based on accurate observations regularly, and learn math assets:
First: they used a calendar astronomer arbitrator from ancient times have taken a year stellar core unit in the measurement of time, measured the length of 365.25 on the phenomenon of combustion Shrooqi for Sirius Yamania and it happens time of the Nile flood, and show these inscriptions they knew that before the construction of the pyramids, and devised a calendar year and Ksmoha to twelve months, each of thirty days in addition to five at the end نسئ year where festivals are held. The contemporaries of Romanians, Greeks and Assyrians were referred to link the early lunar months with the early civil months. This tells us that they are entitled to study the movement of the sun virtual center of the fixed stars from the earliest periods of history
Second: The building of the pyramids
كمقابر for kings because of their belief in the resurrection. Is
observed in the building of the pyramids they built at lines 30 5 north
on the edge of the rock level and not at the waist, and ribs rules
apply with the original directions to the nearest five minutes arc
Balatna modern. And
equally ribs to the nearest twenty centimeters, and the shining sun during the
seven months, half before and half after the summer solstice the four
facets when the meridian, has concluded that some astronomers now that
the passages interior was used Agencies Meridian to monitor the stars
and light Sirius was vertically on the southern face of the biggest pyramid in 2700 BC.
And tells us this precision in setting trends and positioning if as measured Besauptha the nowadays using modern devices that Egyptian priests who were supervising the builders of the pyramids to be and that they used the astronomical meteorology in the set. One of the monuments show their care to study celestial objects pictures zodiac stardom that sweetened the roof of the Temple of Dendera and now in the Louvre in Paris and the inscriptions on the walls showing the hours of the day and night and the moon and the path of the sun among the stars. We have designed a program for computer and fed with data and data astronomical, geographical and topographical order to calculate angles of the sun rise above the horizon marked the heavens (horizontal) to the temple of Abu Simbel per day throughout the year, as well as the expense of horizontal angles of the sun bright latitude various ancient Egypt the beginning of the line width of 20 up to 35 degrees. It was clear from the accounts that the differences horizontal angles of the sun rising in the days of symmetry on February 21 and 21 October narrowing as we head south, they are separate 9.2-minute arc and a good 7.5 minutes arc, which may indicate that the choice of the temple in the south may be see for reasons astronomical and architectural beside the sanctity of the place, The horizontal angle is the angle of the sun deviation from north geographical measured in the direction of the east is the angle at which it should apply exactly the direction of the center of the temple on 21 February and 21 October in order to be the phenomenon of the radiation passes over the Holy of Holies at sunrise. As the angle of deflection axis of the temple from the north geographic is a hundred degrees and thirty-three minutes arc and thirty-three arc seconds, measured in the direction of the East before the transfer of the temple to the top of the plateau during the sixties of this century to save him from drowning under the waters of the High Dam Lake, also should be noted that the process of transferring the temple and then re-installed has been meticulously considered pursuant architecturally engineered unprecedented.
As it turns out from the accounts that the sun is supposed to shine on the temple of Abu Simbel on February 21, the sixth hour and twenty-two minutes
And tells us this precision in setting trends and positioning if as measured Besauptha the nowadays using modern devices that Egyptian priests who were supervising the builders of the pyramids to be and that they used the astronomical meteorology in the set. One of the monuments show their care to study celestial objects pictures zodiac stardom that sweetened the roof of the Temple of Dendera and now in the Louvre in Paris and the inscriptions on the walls showing the hours of the day and night and the moon and the path of the sun among the stars. We have designed a program for computer and fed with data and data astronomical, geographical and topographical order to calculate angles of the sun rise above the horizon marked the heavens (horizontal) to the temple of Abu Simbel per day throughout the year, as well as the expense of horizontal angles of the sun bright latitude various ancient Egypt the beginning of the line width of 20 up to 35 degrees. It was clear from the accounts that the differences horizontal angles of the sun rising in the days of symmetry on February 21 and 21 October narrowing as we head south, they are separate 9.2-minute arc and a good 7.5 minutes arc, which may indicate that the choice of the temple in the south may be see for reasons astronomical and architectural beside the sanctity of the place, The horizontal angle is the angle of the sun deviation from north geographical measured in the direction of the east is the angle at which it should apply exactly the direction of the center of the temple on 21 February and 21 October in order to be the phenomenon of the radiation passes over the Holy of Holies at sunrise. As the angle of deflection axis of the temple from the north geographic is a hundred degrees and thirty-three minutes arc and thirty-three arc seconds, measured in the direction of the East before the transfer of the temple to the top of the plateau during the sixties of this century to save him from drowning under the waters of the High Dam Lake, also should be noted that the process of transferring the temple and then re-installed has been meticulously considered pursuant architecturally engineered unprecedented.
As it turns out from the accounts that the sun is supposed to shine on the temple of Abu Simbel on February 21, the sixth hour and twenty-two minutes
it is true that the phenomenon occurs at six and six and twenty minutes
and when they match the horizontal angle of the sun with the angle axis
direction temple completely, as it is during this overage minutes the
sun rose above the horizon by 34 minutes arc and became the hills on the
eastern side of the Nile do not block access rays of the Temple and the Holy of Helios. So there is a relationship between the rise in the eastern hills and the angle of direction of the axis of the temple.
This conclusion is so evident that the direction of axis of the temple was chosen meticulously and predetermined before the sculpture to achieve the phenomenon perpendicular sunlight on the Holy of Holies on 21 February and 21 October of each year and that the calculations were conducted on the basis of the assets astronomical, geographical and topographical and sports intact since about three thousand and three hundred years.
This conclusion is so evident that the direction of axis of the temple was chosen meticulously and predetermined before the sculpture to achieve the phenomenon perpendicular sunlight on the Holy of Holies on 21 February and 21 October of each year and that the calculations were conducted on the basis of the assets astronomical, geographical and topographical and sports intact since about three thousand and three hundred years.
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