Thailand Tourism Queen

Tourism in Thailand 
 In Southeast Asia, an area of ​​about 514 square kilometers, sits a group of family picturesque islands, beaches, forests and rivers, and markets, palaces and resorts, and the usual people smile. Together, these islands constitute the Kingdom of Thailand, which is divided into 75 counties, and is bordered by both Laos and Cambodia to the east, and the Gulf of Thailand and Malaysia to the south, and the Andaman Sea and Myanmar to the west. 

Tourism in Thailand
Tourism in Thailand

This is known as the country also known as «Siam», where it is the official name of the country until 1949. The capital is Bangkok, one of the most world capitals populous, with a population of about 10 million people, out of about 66 million, the number of residents This state, characterized by Bangkok traffic and noise throughout the day, one of the most cities attractive for tourists to identify the landmarks tourist and markets large, and Mahalha diverse, and temples curiosities, with engineering unique, and buildings with Thai-style old, along with modern buildings. Divides River Geoff to halves, 

Tourism in Thailand
Tourism in Thailand


 It also penetrate two major rivers, the two rivers and Mekong Chaofraaa. Bangkok is crowded with many commercial centers and shopping malls and markets and night bazaars. Also famous souq floating spread Bakoarabha small middle of the river, which abound on both sides of houses, museums and other markets. As longer night markets a prominent feature in Bangkok, and is open from seven o'clock pm until the second morning, such as market Swan did not Night Bazaar, the famous. 

Tourism in Thailand

Tourism in Thailand
Tourism in Thailand
 The Thai economy of the industrialized economies of modern, as it depends heavily on exports, which represent two-thirds of GDP. Tourism accounts for income key to the country, which is one of the most important tourist destinations in the world, with an estimated contribution of the tourism sector in GDP of about 6.7% in 2007, and in 2008 got the capital, Bangkok, ranked third after London and New York, in the list of «the highest points of the world's cities» by Euro monitor, specializing in research, and got the city of Pattaya on the third century, and the island of Phuket, the center one-thirty, and the city Chiang Mai, ranked 78. 


As Thailand is one of the most Asian countries that accept the Arab tourists, due to the availability of services and facilities, and which are consistent with the customs and traditions of Arab societies, especially the Gulf ones, such as the role of worship, shopping centers, restaurants and transportation, as well as the necessities of life other tourist attractions.

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I'm Mohamed Fathi ( Legend Egypt ) , 29 years old , i loving Egypt and like Tourism.

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