Citadel of Salah al-Din
The most important tourist attractions in Egypt
Represents the Citadel of Salah al-Din and one of the most important tourist attractions in Egypt, the content of palaces and mosques within the scope of the castle belonging to different eras of Islamic art, characterized by diversity and innovation workmanship and accuracy , and represents a record of the history of the country for more than 7 centuries was through the castle house ruler , who is affairs of the country .
On a hill high next to the cliffs in the east of Cairo, decided commander Saladin to build a fortress overlooking Cairo to protect it from any external invasion , and save this date on the door of the castle « Runway » text historic stating after « Basmallah » : " ordered the establishment of this castle impressive neighboring guarded Cairo, collected useful and improvement, Maulana Malik al-Nasir Salah world and religion , "and so described the castle in the time of its construction Balbahirh , before that outlive the inside of many of the palaces and mosques , past and museums recently , become the seat of the kings and sultans who ruled Egypt over 7 centuries ago, and one of the most important tourist attractions in Cairo.
Tale castle
On a hill high next to the cliffs in the east of Cairo, decided commander Saladin to build a fortress overlooking Cairo to protect it from any external invasion , and save this date on the door of the castle « Runway » text historic stating after « Basmallah » : " ordered the establishment of this castle impressive neighboring guarded Cairo, collected useful and improvement, Maulana Malik al-Nasir Salah world and religion , "and so described the castle in the time of its construction Balbahirh , before that outlive the inside of many of the palaces and mosques , past and museums recently , become the seat of the kings and sultans who ruled Egypt over 7 centuries ago, and one of the most important tourist attractions in Cairo.
Tale castle
Over the castle a lot of historical events , and saw the walls of many battles, and hatched in the aspects of many plots either to stabilize the property of , and were going through periods of prosperity and other decay depending on the power of the ruler and his enemies, and this was reflected on adding every ruler of the castle inhabited by overlooking them on his own people and his flock, the associated every mosque or palace or tower or gate inside the castle as one of these rulers , but still the place as a whole is linked as first thought in building the Sultan and was Sultan al-Nasir Salah al-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub , on a hill voice in 1176, where his minister Bahauddin ?????? Asadi demolishing mosques and tombs that existed on the sound in order to build a castle on them, carving workers rock to make a trench , separates the cliffs on a hill « sound » What increases the vulnerability and strength, and make fun of thousands of prisoners of the Crusades to build a castle , but Saladin die before it was completed is built to work just after his brother the king , from the walls and doors and come after him, his brother King full complement to 18 towers surround the castle tower is different from each other in terms of shape and size.
Contain the castle on several heritage buildings , the most important mosque Nasser Mohammed bin Qlaon , which covers an area of more than 3 thousand square meters and a capacity of 5 thousand worshipers, and floors of marble, and the ceiling is decorated with inscriptions aureus, has Mozntan and cabin surrounded ???????? , and four Owaoin surrounding the courtyard is open , Ewan largest kiss , and a large dome mosque carried huge columns of red granite , and contains many mosque filled engraving on wood that has characterized the era Ayoubi
Mohammed Ali Mosque
The Mosque of Mohammed Ali of more mosques castle famous for unique to the advantages of architectural and artistic rare accorded Mizntah Alshahguetan The ????????? about 84 meters long and 80 meters others above the height of the castle built by the mosque, bringing the height of the minarets to about 164 meters, also mediates the mosque chandelier enormous fitted b 365 Mishkaat number of days of the year, as Casey mosque type of rare marble called alabaster so fired on the mosque mosque alabaster , was Muhammad Ali Pasha considering building a mosque big in the castle to perform the obligatory prayers and bury him after his death , and began work there in 1830 , having designed Eng Turkish "Joseph Bouchnak " , which was developed designed along the lines of Sultanahmet Mosque in Astana with some minor changes , and continued to work until devitalized Muhammad Ali Pasha in 1848 buried him and completed the decoration son Abbas Pasha I , and divided the mosque into two parts, east of them dedicated to prayer its dome diameter of 21 meters and a height of 52 meters from the floor of the mosque, mounted on four large contracts , mounted in turn on four shoulders square , surrounded by four half- domes , as well as half Dome in the lower level covers the mihrab, either the western part of it facing its saucer
The Mosque of Mohammed Ali of more mosques castle famous for unique to the advantages of architectural and artistic rare accorded Mizntah Alshahguetan The ????????? about 84 meters long and 80 meters others above the height of the castle built by the mosque, bringing the height of the minarets to about 164 meters, also mediates the mosque chandelier enormous fitted b 365 Mishkaat number of days of the year, as Casey mosque type of rare marble called alabaster so fired on the mosque mosque alabaster , was Muhammad Ali Pasha considering building a mosque big in the castle to perform the obligatory prayers and bury him after his death , and began work there in 1830 , having designed Eng Turkish "Joseph Bouchnak " , which was developed designed along the lines of Sultanahmet Mosque in Astana with some minor changes , and continued to work until devitalized Muhammad Ali Pasha in 1848 buried him and completed the decoration son Abbas Pasha I , and divided the mosque into two parts, east of them dedicated to prayer its dome diameter of 21 meters and a height of 52 meters from the floor of the mosque, mounted on four large contracts , mounted in turn on four shoulders square , surrounded by four half- domes , as well as half Dome in the lower level covers the mihrab, either the western part of it facing its saucer
Jewel Palace
In the southwestern edge of the yard property or yard Royal , Palace jewel , built by the Governor of Egypt Muhammad Ali, and was named was evidenced by his wife the "essence" , and consists palace -story begins entrance of the President, and to the left of the entrance buildings, many topped with other buildings dominated simplicity, and by the end of the entrance in the north-eastern compartment rectangular have him double connected to the field and this was the wing dedicated to the staff of minors or those who were known as the " Office of Special" , appliques palace finest decorative arts Ottoman either wood or panels plaster or colors , drawings and engravings , and remained Palace retains Bhzute until about years ago to the Museum of Islamic heritage and became adorns many statues representing the case of Egypt and the parish.
The castle has a number of the most important museums Police Museum , which houses the police tools throughout history and record of the most famous criminals in Egypt , next to the strangest fingerprints that were recorded at police stations. There is also the Military Museum , which contains several halls such as the Hall of Fame , which contains all the historical events of Egypt since Pharaonic era until the war Sixth of October , there are several wings of the museum's displays of art Pharaonic and Islamic world , and there are halls special weapons and artillery, and the campaign French, and there showroom short , the most important military equipment from aircraft and tanks were used in the October War .
Castle also include Museum of Islamic Art is an archaeological park includes a set of columns and capitals , doors and paintings that belong to the Islamic eras in Egypt.
In the southwestern edge of the yard property or yard Royal , Palace jewel , built by the Governor of Egypt Muhammad Ali, and was named was evidenced by his wife the "essence" , and consists palace -story begins entrance of the President, and to the left of the entrance buildings, many topped with other buildings dominated simplicity, and by the end of the entrance in the north-eastern compartment rectangular have him double connected to the field and this was the wing dedicated to the staff of minors or those who were known as the " Office of Special" , appliques palace finest decorative arts Ottoman either wood or panels plaster or colors , drawings and engravings , and remained Palace retains Bhzute until about years ago to the Museum of Islamic heritage and became adorns many statues representing the case of Egypt and the parish.
The castle has a number of the most important museums Police Museum , which houses the police tools throughout history and record of the most famous criminals in Egypt , next to the strangest fingerprints that were recorded at police stations. There is also the Military Museum , which contains several halls such as the Hall of Fame , which contains all the historical events of Egypt since Pharaonic era until the war Sixth of October , there are several wings of the museum's displays of art Pharaonic and Islamic world , and there are halls special weapons and artillery, and the campaign French, and there showroom short , the most important military equipment from aircraft and tanks were used in the October War .
Castle also include Museum of Islamic Art is an archaeological park includes a set of columns and capitals , doors and paintings that belong to the Islamic eras in Egypt.