Ras Mohammed National Park ( some information )

Ras Mohammed National Park

Some information about Ras Mohammed National Park

Ras Mohammed National Park is located at the confluence of the Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba in the southern part of the Sinai Peninsula , 12 km from the city of Sharm el - Sheikh , 70 km from the city of phase .
Stretching the limits of Ras Mohammed National Park from the point of a lighthouse may Ben Lahdan on the Gulf of Suez to the southern boundary of the protected Nabq area include Tiran Island and the coastal strip of the city of Sharm El Sheikh.
Since the announcement of Ras Mohammed, a nature reserve in 1983 and then subject to a comprehensive development program beginning in 1989 has become one of the main features of the economic development in South Sinai.

The famous Ras Mohammed fossil coral reefs acute high that represent the old coastline . And these reefs are aged between 15 thousand to two million a year . And show the newest coral similarity in configuration and construction with the types of coral reefs , the new list . The types " Johnaestrea " and type " Galaxia " and type " Boralits " and others. The fossil coral were tables for many types of modern life such as coral , which currently appear fossilized remnants protectorate .
And provide protected coral reefs in the visitor experience breathtaking and can overshadow Hall kinds of numbers sometimes life on a visitor 's feelings for the first time , but the coral governed system format . With careful watch nearby .
Protected is home to many birds , such as types of herons ( heron ), such as egrets bald eagles and herons giant Heron coral and egrets green back and birds resident gulls and Spiha and Tern and five types of at least punishment Alencara ( Eagles eating meat ) and Otoagaf thousands of storks White Sanctuary through the end of the summer months.

Protected and provide for visitors experience wonderful sights of coral reefs and nature , including :
- Garden eel , which comes its name to a wide proportion of the eel at depth ( 20 m) and offers an excellent opportunity for swimming under the surface in calm conditions .
- The main beach , which is often crowded , but it remains the best places to watch the vertical coral walls . And limited access to water on the left side of the beach.

- Old pier , which is often nothing but water less clarity and has a best reef builders of the shallow water .
- Marsa البريكة , and the newly opened and contains a unique Mirjana static water and excellent beaches .
- Mangrove Channel - Gulf invisibility , the two best sites to observe resident and migratory birds such as herons , white stork and other punishment .

Written by

I'm Mohamed Fathi ( Legend Egypt ) , 29 years old , i loving Egypt and like Tourism.


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